Friday, March 27, 2020

I Bought a Flat Guitar Tutor and Found the Best

I Bought a Flat Guitar Tutor and Found the BestIf you are interested in buying an acoustic guitar but do not know how to play one then I think you should consider buying an I bought a flat guitar tutor. Even if you are just starting out you will be able to get some practice on playing better. This is the most important thing when you are learning the guitar.The truth is that no matter what you learn you need to practice and never give up. Learning something new will not be easy, no matter what instrument it is. So, I think it is good to have a guitar that is more accessible and a little easier to learn.If you want to buy one then I highly recommend an online store. You can find an affordable price and get a great price for the best lessons.I think it is important to study music since it is my favorite. I use my guitar for inspiration and practice. You will start to see yourself developing your own style on the guitar.I was not sure about this hobby and I did not know how much I wante d to learn how to play the guitar. I had not yet started with it so I could not say I would like it. I had wanted to buy a song book but because I did not know how to read or play the songs I could not find the one I was looking for.The first time I played an acoustic guitar, I was surprised how easy it was. I knew I had to practice but I did not know what to practice. I would always think of playing a certain song so I decided to look up the words on the Internet.I started by looking up I could use to get started and after finding a few options I decided to purchase an I bought a flat guitar tutor. The I bought a flat guitar tutor was the first lesson I ever took and I think I found the book the hard way. All in all, it was a great lesson for learning how to play better.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Using Case Studies in the Classroom

Using Case Studies in the Classroom If you teach an advanced high school class, youre always looking for opportunities to help your students apply what they know and put theory into practice. Using case studies in the high school classroom can do just that. What are case studies? Commonly used in business schools, law schools and medical schools, case studies set up real-life problems and ask students to answer questions about those problems. They can be short or long and are often based on actual situations, but their objective is to give students information to discuss, dissect, and use to develop solutions to the problem at hand. Below are some suggestions from Huntington for how to use a case study in your classroom: Have students identify the main problem or problems in the case study, possible courses of action, and obstacles. Give students direction on how to think about and analyze a case based on your different course objectives. For example, you might have students think about how they would have approached a situation differently than those in the case study or weigh the pros and cons of different potential solutions to a situation. After dividing students into groups, assign members of each group different perspectives to take. Have groups present to one another after they have developed their analyses/positions. After all groups present to each other, have a group discussion about common viewpoints and arguments made by your students. Case studies are a great way to innovate in your classroom and prepare your students for college-level academics. Read more about case studies as discussed by Carnegie Mellon Universitys Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence Educational Innovation.

English Prepositions The Difference Between In and On

English Prepositions The Difference Between In and On As always, I learn the most about teaching English from my students. Last week a student from Brazil asked me for help with his prepositions in English. Prepositions are considered one of the most difficult aspects of learning English and many other languages, partially because it can appear that there are no clear rules for their use.My student pointed this out by asking why we say, that we read something on the internet, but in a book. At the time, I didnt have a good answer.English Prepositions In or On?After talking about this with some of our other LOI English teachers, we came to see the pattern. We read something in an object that can be physically opened, like a book or a newspaper. We read something on anything that cant be physically opened, such as the internet, a sign, or a particular page of a book i.e. I read it on page five.The conversation with my student went on to prepositions regarding places and time. Why do we say I live in Montana, but on 8th Street? Why do we meet at 5 pm but in 1996.There is a mostly logical way of remembering this. Basically, it depends on size or detail. For very definite places and times, we say at. For instance: Lets meet at 5 pm. or Let meet at the bar. For a little less definite times and places, we say on, this specifically applies to street names and days of the week. For instance: Lets meet on 8th Street. or Lets meet on Monday.And for much less specific places and times, such as states, countries, months and years, we use in. For instance: We met in California. or We met in 1998. Ok, thats all for now. I hope this helps you clear up some issues with English prepositions. If youd like to take an English lesson with us on prepositions, or any other subject, please contact us.If you enjoyed this post, please share it! Iman Very intersting and somehow rare explanation. Thanks very much.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

2016 Presidential Candidates Whos Who Republican Edition

2016 Presidential Candidates Who's Who Republican Edition Photo Credit: DonkeyHotey 1. Jeb Bush. Former governor of Florida (1999-2007). *Stance on LGBT Rights: now believes people should show respect for gay people in committed relationships. *Stance on Abortion: thinks abortions should only be legal in cases of rape, incest, or if mothers life is in danger. *Stance on Gun Control: favors right to bear arms. 2. Ben Carson. Retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon who is known for being the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins who were connected at the head. In his closing remarks at the first GOP debate, he  delivered this great zinger: Im the only one to separate Siamese twins, the only one to operate on babies while they are still in their mothers womb and the only one to take out half of a brain, although you would think if you go to Washington that someone had beat me to it. *Stance on LGBT Rights:  believes marriage should be between man and woman. *Stance on Abortion: no abortion for convenience. *Stance on Gun Control: strongly in favor of 2nd Amendment. 3. Chris Christie. Governor of New Jersey (2010-present). *Stance on LGBT Rights: believes marriage should be exclusively between man and woman. *Stance on Abortion: pro-life. *Stance on Gun Control: focus on violence control, mental health not gun control. 4. Ted Cruz. US Senator from Texas (2013-present). *Stance on LGBT Rights:  believes marriage is between man and woman but thinks legality of same-sex marriage should be left to each state to decide. *Stance on Abortion: pro-life unless pregnancy endangers mothers life. *Stance on Gun Control: supporter of gun rights. 5. Carly Fiorina. Former CEO of Hewlett-Packard (1999-2005). *Stance on LGBT Rights: supports Supreme Court ruling but personally believes marriage is between man and woman. *Stance on Abortion:  pro-life except for cases of rape, incest, or if mothers life is in danger. *Stance on Gun Control: opposes restrictions on the right to bear arms. 6. Jim Gilmore. Former Governor of Virginia (1998-2002). *Stance on LGBT Rights: opposes gay marriage. *Stance on Abortion: right to abortion in first 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. *Stance on Gun Control: supports 2nd Amendment rights. 7. Lindsey Graham. US Senator from South Carolina (2003-present). *Stance on LGBT Rights: marriage should be defined by states. *Stance on Abortion: pro-life. *Stance on Gun Control: thinks current gun laws are broken. Photo Credit: Getty Images   8. Mike Huckabee. Former Governor of Arkansas (1996-2007). *Stance on LGBT Rights: opposes same-sex marriage and civil unions. *Stance on Abortion: pro-life unless pregnancy endangers mothers life. *Stance on Gun Control: anti-gun control. 9. Bobby Jindal. Governor of Louisiana (2008-present). *Stance on LGBT Rights: opposed legalization of same-sex marriage. *Stance on Abortion: pro-life. *Stance on Gun Control: supports 2nd Amendment rights. 10. John Kasich. Governor of Ohio (2011-present). *Stance on LGBT Rights: accepts gay marriage  even though its counter to his beliefs. *Stance on Abortion: anti-abortion. *Stance on Gun Control: opposes restrictions on 2nd Amendment. 11. George Pataki. Former Governor of New York (1995-2006). *Stance on LGBT Rights: opposes same-sex marriage, supports gay and lesbian rights. *Stance on Abortion: pro-choice. *Stance on Gun Control: pro-gun control. 12. Rand Paul. US Senator from Kentucky (2011-present). *Stance on LGBT Rights: opposes but thinks states should get to decide. *Stance on Abortion: pro-life. *Stance on Gun Control: opposes any form of gun control. 13. Rick Perry. Former Governor of Texas (2000-2015). *Stance on LGBT Rights: believes in traditional marriage. *Stance on Abortion:  pro-life except for cases of rape, incest, or if mothers life is in danger. *Stance on Gun Control:  opposes restrictions on 2nd Amendment. 14. Marco Rubio. US Senator from Florida (2011-present). *Stance on LGBT Rights:  pro-traditional marriage. *Stance on Abortion: pro-life. *Stance on Gun Control: supports 2nd Amendment. 15. Rick Santorum. Former US Senator from Pennsylvania (1995-2007). *Stance on LGBT Rights: opposes same-sex marriage legality. *Stance on Abortion: anti-abortion. *Stance on Gun Control: opposed to gun control. 16. Donald Trump. Former host of The Apprentice, real estate tycoon, author, and TV personality/celebrity. He is why you should be following news on the 2016 election because you never know what completely ridiculous thing will come out of his mouth (or hair). *Stance on LGBT Rights: doesnt support same-sex marriage. *Stance on Abortion: pro-life. *Stance on Gun Control: supports 2nd Amendment rights. 17. Scott Walker. Governor of Wisconsin (2011-present). *Stance on LGBT Rights: believe marriage is between man and woman, thinks Supreme Court ruling was a mistake. *Stance on Abortion: pro-life. *Stance on Gun Control: opposes restrictions on 2nd Amendment. There you have it a whos who of the 17 Republican presidential candidates currently campaigning. With more than 20 presidential candidates running overall, the 2016 election is starting to look like an overcrowded dinner party  and theres still time left for others to announce their candidacy and pull a chair up to the table.

American International School in Egypt (West Campus)

American International School in Egypt (West Campus) American International School in Egypt (West Campus) AISE West opened in 2009 in Sheikh Zayed City and offers places to students in Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12.Servinga predominantly Egyptian community, the school has grown steadily to encompass the whole range from Pre-K to Grade 12 and currently we have 1380 students enrolled with the expat community steadily growing.AISE West is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges, the Council of International Schools, and the Egyptian Ministry of Education. As an IB Worlds School we are authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma in Grades 11 and 12, complementing our American High School courses whichfollowthe Virginia State and Common Core Standards of Learning and is designed to prepare students for entry into highly competitive colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East and beyond. The attractive campus is located in a peaceful suburban setting about 12milesfrom Cairos center. We are an American International School with strong links to the local community and culture. Sports, vibrant visual and performing arts programs, and a strong commitment to service complement our academic life and international outlook.In Elementary School, our students are given many opportunities to participate in after school activities. In addition to swimming lessonsand ballet, our teachers organize various activities throughout the year, including dancing, singing, arts and crafts and ball games like four square. These activities are for students from grades 1 to 5 and are mixed grade levels, which gives students the chance to meet and interact with students outside their immediate peer group.In Secondary School, our students also have many opportunities to participate in after school activities such as the Model UN. Our secondary studets are also offered the opportunity to take pa rt inthe Week Without Wallsextracurricular travelprogram. AISE West will welcome applications from qualified and experienced (3 years minimum) teachers who are looking to make an immediate impact to our students learning journey. View our Brochure

Teaching English abroad A step-by-step plan

Teaching English abroad A step-by-step plan Hey you. I know you. I was you. At long last, you’ve finished your college degree. Your hard-earned diploma is sitting in a leather folder or framed in a place of honor on your parents’ wall. But now what? Let’s face facts. This generation of recent graduates is experiencing a tough job market, where even a degree in mechanical engineering might not guarantee you a job. It’s all you’ve been reading about in the news. What they don’t tell you is how to fix it. How do you find a job without job experience? Where can you gain some valuable work experience that pays well right out of college? And what if you are not ready for the 9-5 corporate life in a cubicle? How many side hustles are you currently planning? How many roommates are too many? How long are you going to live in your parents’ basement? Calm down! It’s ok! Breathe! Ever thought about combining travel and a job instead? Just kidding. I know you have, and I’m here to give you guidance, tips and basically be your personal cheerleader to help you on your way. If you’re looking to meet amazing, like-minded people, travel to foreign lands and teach a language you already know then follow me to your new life adventure teaching English abroad. The best part is, you’re already halfway there with your degree in hand. And the second part is very simple. With a TEFL certificate, all the world (and the awesome paying English teaching jobs it has to offer) will open to you. You in? OK, let’s cover the basics. HOLD UP! What is this TEFL thing I hear you harping on about? The acronym stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. When it comes to requirements for teaching English abroad, TEFL certification invariably tops the list. In a nutshell, a TEFL certificate shows employers that you’re qualified (and able) to teach English abroad. Think of it as your passport to get your real passport filled with stamps. Recommended reading: What is TEFL? Should I get TEFL certified? Comparing different ESL certifications: TEFL vs. TESL vs. TESOL 1. Get TEFL certified. Bet you saw that one coming! When I first made my decision to teach English in South Korea, I had no idea what to expect. But by getting TEFL certified, I was able to propel myself one critical step closer to living out my globe-trotting dreams. And helped me a pretty kickass teacher when I arrived, if I do say so myself. I know, I know, you just finished school. Maybe you vowed never to take a test again. If this sums up your feelings on the matter, then online TEFL courses can take as little as three weeks to finish and are relatively painless to move through the course materials in your own time. Aside from a TEFL being a prerequisite for any decent English teaching job abroad, it also gives you the foundational skills and knowledge you need to get the job done. Strolling into a room of students who speak another language and can easily use that language to make fun of your woeful teaching skills behind your back should make you perspire a little. Take it from someone who’s been there! Caveat: There’s no one-size-fits-all profile of the perfect candidate for English teaching jobs abroad. If you’re not sure whether you fit the bill, here are some more common FAQs on the topic: Will I face age restrictions teaching English abroad? Where can I teach English abroad without a degree? Can I teach English abroad without experience? Can I teach English abroad if I’m a non-native speaker? 1.5. Start saving for your TEFL course. This depends on where and how you decide to get TEFL certified (online or in person) but look to spend $,1000 and up for a reputable online course. The old saying you get what you pay for rings true in this case as well. A TEFL course suddenly becomes well worth the investment when it helps you get hired for a better-paying teaching job overseas with a reputable school. Related: How to spot common ESL job scams Aside from your TEFL, you need to set a realistic budget for teaching abroad, including housing, food, travel and health insurance, airfare and transport, excursions, and miscellaneous expenses. Your job benefits may help offset the cost of these, depending t=on the program or hiring school you’re working with. 2. Identify your ideal teaching destination. With the right qualifications and experience, the world is your oyster. Now that you have your TEFL certificate, you are the pearl. So where do you want to go? While there are plenty of fun resources to guide you on where to teach abroad, don’t forget to follow your own instincts. Asia is quickly becoming the most popular region to teach abroad because it has a wealth of travel and job opportunities for graduates who are fluent in English. But don’t forget about South America and Europe, where countries like Spain and Argentina are eager to hire TEFL-certified English teachers with a degree. Central America is also often overlooked but they are hiring a ton of new graduates in places like Mexico, too. I may be a little biased, but if you’re looking to immerse yourself in a completely new culture, then South Korea tops the list. Seoul is an amazing city full of excitement and culture. It’s busy and crowded but it’s fun and has plenty of English teaching jobs. Be prepared for moments of culture shock. You may not recognize the pizza and dried squid is definitely an acquired taste. Is it your priority to make the most money possible teaching abroad? If you have a degree in education and building up a healthy bank account is your focus, then consider the Middle East. If you’re not a licensed teacher but you still want to make bank, teaching English in China could be a good move for you. China’s relatively low cost of living, combined with great employee perks like free housing, make it a really attractive option for travel-motivated teach abroad hopefuls. Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. 3. Understand visa conditions. Red tape is never fun to navigate but getting a visa to teach abroad is an important step. If you’re like me, you probably just want to get going and maybe forget to do some quick research visa requirements for teachers in your top destination. It is, however, super duper important to investigate visa requirements for anywhere you want to teach, as these really do vary from country to country. The visa process in countries in Asia, for example, are generally pretty straightforward. As long as you meet some basic requirements, you shouldn’t have much trouble obtaining a work permit to teach there. If you’re a non-EU resident, however, you might not have such an easy time getting a visa to teach in Europe. Latin America is an easy region for North American graduates when it comes to applying for visas. We hate to break it to you, but if it turns out that you don’t fit the requirements to teach abroad in a certain country, then it’s back to the drawing board (see step 2 above). Some countries impose very specific (and seemingly arbitrary) rules and timelines when granting work permits for overseas teachers, while others may be less strict, so don’t despair. Often, employers will take responsibility for obtaining a work visa due to the complicated processes involved (or guide you, at the very least). That said, you’ll still have to fill out plenty of paperwork, so have your pen ready. Either way - hold off on booking that flight until your visa is sorted. 4. Search and apply for jobs. If you’re feeling particularly impulsive and happen to be flush with cash, you might opt to conduct your teach abroad job search in person. Of course, you’ll need to be 100% sure that somewhere is the destination for you and that you meet all the requirements. Many countries also frown on people entering the country on the tourist visa and kicking off a job search, so beware. But the fact is, there’s no need to take this drastic step. It’s never been easier to find a job abroad. The internet is responsible for the world’s greatest invention: cat videos. But next to that is its ability to make finding your dream job so much easier. Nowadays, you can apply for jobs with hiring schools anywhere in the world with a simple search on the Teach Away job board. With some quick clicking, you can apply to scores of jobs in one evening. Need a nudge in the right direction? Here are the five best teach abroad programs hiring right now! As you’re researching opportunities, note what expenses might be paid for. For example, whether a housing stipend is offered, and what you’ll be expected to contribute. (Believe me - you don't want any surprises on the ground!) 5. It’s time to set the wheels in motion! Dream job in the bag? First, make sure you understand your teaching contract thoroughly. After that, it’s time to plan your move. Are you going for a year, or maybe longer? Do you need a local bank account? Do you have a pet? What about your current apartment? Will you sublet or give up your lease? Remember, this is a big move if you decide to go for a year and a lot can happen. You may extend your stay, you may find a new job or perhaps you will fall in love! Who knows what can happen in a year. You may also struggle and find out teaching isn’t for you. It’s best to create a checklist and consider a fallback plan if you decide to come home early. This is also the time to start figuring our housing and determining what might be provided by your school or program, and what you will need to take care of independently. I’m too excited, can I just go and teach English abroad without a certificate? Since you just spent four years alongside thousands of other smart, eager job-ready colleagues, it only makes sense to give yourself all the advantages you possibly can. By all means, you can certainly try to get a teaching job abroad without a TEFL certificate but competition is fierce and most ESL jobs require you to have one. Plus, you will qualify for higher-paying teaching jobs if you are TEFL certified. Is teaching abroad after graduation the right move for me? If you’re excited at the prospect of teaching abroad but still have a strange little worry in the pit of your stomach, don’t worry! That just means you’re giving the process of teaching abroad the serious consideration it deserves. After all, if teaching abroad is really as amazing an experience as people say, why isn’t everyone doing it? Well for starters, it takes a certain type of adventurous personality to leave their native country to do a job they’ve never done before. Not only that, are you a good teacher? Do you like kids? Are you comfortable in front of a class? Are you imaginative? What about disciplining kids in a foreign language? If you’re nodding your head to the above then, chances are, you probably have what it takes to teach English abroad. But then there is living in a totally unfamiliar place. Trying to figure out where to eat, how to meet other people and generally navigating life in a brand-new country is not for everyone! My advice: get TEFL certified and the rest will fall into place. I had the best experience in South Korea. Not only did it boost my self-esteem, I learned about myself and how to face a variety of exciting challenges. Since my time abroad, I’ve been able to face any job interview or life obstacle with a certain level of confidence and diplomacy I would never have if I hadn’t taught abroad.

Avid4 Adventure Opens Summer Employment Applications

Avid4 Adventure Opens Summer Employment Applications via With camps that focus on sharpening skills in climbing, mountain biking, kayaking, and backpacking, youll love working as a camp counselor  at Avid4 Adventure  so much that you wont even notice youre at work! There are plenty of benefits to being a camp counselor during the summer, like getting to impact the lives of young children for the better. But according to a recent press release, working for Avid4 Adventure comes with many additional perks, specifically: - deals on outdoor gear - access to high quality gear during non-camp times - reimbursement for transportation to and from work - allowance towards races in any of the core sports (biking, paddling, or climbing) - non-profit donations to charities where  you  volunteer - professional development opportunities Any training that youll need in order to do the job will be paid. Additionally, you can use your training hours as time to perfect your personal skills in the areas of biking, paddling, or backpacking! Training in leadership, team building, and risk management are also included in the pre-camp enrichment. Living by eight core values is really what sets Avid4 Adventure apart from other kinds of active summer camps. These core values include living fun, environmentally conscious, truthfully, smart, graciously, empowered, balanced, and communal. Avid4 Adventures work environment truly simulates a family. Not only would you love the opportunity to do something enjoyable for work, but youll become a part of something thats much larger than just yourself. Outside Magazine listed Avid4 Adventure as #3 on their list of Top 100 Best Places to Work for the year of 2017. To view employment opportunities, go  here.

How to Get a Tutoring Job in Chicago

How to Get a Tutoring Job in ChicagoThere are many advantages to working as a tutor for a tutoring company in Chicago. Tutors are very helpful, and the level of education can be high. The hours are flexible, and it is extremely easy to find tutors for school or career related situations. There are other benefits, too, like the ability to meet your families' educational needs.Many tutoring jobs are available, and most are located in Chicago. A tutor could work at home, or they could even travel. Each person is different, and the tutor has to find the best fit for their needs. They can specialize in a specific area, such as music, computer science, language arts, special education, or sports. It really depends on the individual.The pay for tutoring is very good. Some of the higher paying positions will pay well in the ten thousand dollar range, but most pay around the two hundred dollar mark. The key to finding a good paying job is to search online, and not go with a company that just sends you an application and pays you what they feel like. You have to research the company, and make sure they are the best fit for you.A tutor can help you prepare for your certification test for either the State of Illinois or the Federal government. When they need proof that you completed the necessary education in order to become a tutor, they will require it. Some companies also require their employees to take and pass the Texas Teacher Certification Test. These courses cover a wide variety of subjects, and many of them will cover careers such as teaching, education, and the military.If you have experience, then you will have an advantage over someone who does not. Many jobs require the ability to provide assistance to students, or tutors who work at home. The skillsof a tutor are necessary, as the same information that is taught in school may not be taught in a classroom. This is why having a background in the subject matter is essential, and being able to learn quickly is im portant.A tutor who works for a private tutor will be responsible for the child's needs in terms of their schooling, their personal growth, and their health. They will also have the responsibility for their own needs. This person will know how to care for the student, but in many cases, parents will need to be involved. The role of a private tutor can sometimes be less flexible than a private education company. This is because they have to focus on the parent-child relationship, rather than focusing on a child.If you want to earn a living as a tutor, then Chicago has the perfect fit for you. There are many jobs to choose from, so make sure to do your research and find the best job in Chicago that you can.

Chemistry Books For High School - How to Choose a Book

Chemistry Books For High School - How to Choose a BookWith the vast number of chemistry books available in the market, it is not surprising that parents are unable to choose from the variety of ones they have. The primary reason for this is because they need guidance and advice on choosing the right ones.But in reality, there is not a single book available which can provide you with free information on how to choose the best one from the bunch. This should be pretty clear now. You cannot rely on any book to give you the information you need.In fact, as a parent, you do not even have to rely on the help of your friends or family members. At best, they can make suggestions but at worst, they will be able to give you some very general tips. So, what you need is the direct and personal help of a qualified and experienced online advisor who will take over your homework for you.The role of an online chemistry advisor is very important because he can recommend you the books which you might have not even considered. In other words, you have only to choose a book which is in line with your existing knowledge and professional skills. For example, if you have a science degree, there is no way that you can understand chemistry books for high school level. Instead, you should have a master's degree so that you can understand properly the topics covered in the books.Once you choose a chemistry book that is appropriate to your level, you can have a chat with an online chemist and see whether you can learn anything new or whether you can avail some useful advice and tips. If you are able to get some useful tips, you can then pick the right chemistry book for your child.But as I said earlier, you should get the help of a qualified counselor because you do not have to pay for his time. You can easily locate one from a trusted online website or from any other known resource. But once you do this, you can be assured that you are going to get the assistance that you need.So, as you can see, there is no point in relying on free resources which will just give you practical information. Instead, you need to contact an expert who can give you knowledge and skills to understand more of the subject matter. Therefore, the world of science has not completely forgotten the importance of education which is not very difficult when you use the right resource.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Illegal Massachusetts Tutoring

Illegal Massachusetts TutoringWith the large number of Massachusetts tutoring teachers, there have been the rash of complaints of illegal tutoring rules that have been made throughout the community. Parents, students, and other tutoring teachers from all over the state have filed complaints about illegal tutoring. Some of the tutees have been suspended and many have even been charged with crimes.When it comes to illegal tutoring, they have too many tuttees and they can not keep track of it all. The first step in dealing with all the illegal tutoring that has occurred is to have a sound understanding of Massachusetts Tutoring Rules. Knowing what is not allowed is the key to handling these types of cases and to providing a high level of quality.Many of the schools or education assistants hire students who are illegal due to the fact that they are not registered with any tutoring school offering education assistants. If they are going to be tutoring in Massachusetts and are not register ed with a tutoring school or with a school, they will most likely be found to be illegal tutors by the education assistant staff.The Massachusetts tutoring rules state that if a teacher is suspended or removed from the classroom for any reason then the illegal tutor is liable to be punished. This applies even if the teacher has just been charged with a felony. In order to have the legality of tutoring and any number of others infractions upheld, the tutor must meet the legal fees of the suspension.Some of the illegal tutors that have been accused of taking the legal and educational fees of the school and then simply selling them to other illegal tutors are actually caught with extra tutoring fees that they were not obligated to pay to the school. It is for this reason that the tutor who was being suspended is often accused of the crime and often charged with one.T Massachusetts tutoring rules In addition to paying the money owed to the school, many of the illegal tutors who are bei ng prosecuted have said that the punishment was also the same. When all is said and done, they have nothing to show but the fee that they were charged to get the diploma. They may also have to pay other costs as well, such as the police investigation and to receive the offender in jail.As you can see, there are many illegal tutors, and Massachusetts has had enough of them. The education assistants and the tutoring teachers must understand the Massachusetts laws regarding illegal tutoring and not take this for granted.